Category Archives: giveaway

Happy Birthday, Dad!

December 21st is a very special day indeed.  No, not because it is the shortest day of the year and sets the benchmark for the longer days from here on out.  Rather, it is the day that one of the most special and influential people in my life was born.  Happy birthday, dad, and thank you for being the best father a daughter could ask for.  I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you.

What’s that, you say?  You brought me a surprise?

I can’t believe you brought us a shot to take before walking down the aisle 😀

Thank you SO  much to everyone who voted for me and Brian.  We received so many votes but fell short at the end.  I feel like I won anyway, with all of the support from my friends, family and little online community.  Thank you so much 😀

The winner of the lululemon water bottle is comment number 21- Lindsay!  Linday, email me at fittowed at gmail dot com with your water bottle selection and mailing address.  I’ll order it today.  🙂

Thank you to EVERYONE for your support!

Happy birthday dad! 😀


Filed under giveaway

A Blogiversary Giveaway!

Hello!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Yesterday marked one year officially blogging for me.  A very appropriate day to have a blogiversary, as I spent Saturday evening with a lot of my capital district blends at a cookie exchange hosted by Heather!  It was so much fun.  Although now I’m tempted to have  cookies for every meal 😉

To celebrate the one year blogiversary, I’m hosting a fun giveaway.  I hosted something similar last year on my old blog so it’s best to keep the tradition going 😀

So, what is the giveaway?  An awesome stainless steel water bottle from lululemon!   The color and style is up to the winner. 

Do you want to win it?  Here’s how: 

  • Go to and vote for Katie and Brian.  Leave a comment letting me know you did so.  If you vote from more than one computer, leave multiple comments for more entries (or just let me know in one comment how many computers you voted from).  
  • Tweet about the giveaway/voting +1 entry (leave a comment)
  • Include link to voting for Katie & Brian on your blog +1 entry (leave a comment)

I will announce a winner on Tuesday, December 21st at noon.  Good luck! 🙂

Also, don’t forget that you can enter to win some delicious cookies by commenting on this post.   imageThe cookies are pretty good, y’all.

Thank you for voting and more importantly, thank you for reading.  I never expected to gain so much from blogging- the friendships, support and community have been a pleasant surprise.  Thank you! 😀


Filed under giveaway

Want Some Cookies?

Happy Friday friends!  I’m a wee bit tired this morn, as Bikram seriously kicked my booty last night (seriously) and then I spent the rest of the evening baking an itload amount of cookies for Heather’s awesome partay tomorrow.  Yay cookies!  Which brings me to my next point.   My awesome photographer is having a contest on his blog for the favorite winter/spring wedding of 2010.  The winner gets a big print of the photo he selected!   

If you could head on over to this link and vote for Katie and Brian, I would be so thankful!  Leave a comment letting me know you voted for us- I will randomly select a commenter to win a dozen of my delicious dark chocolate mint glazed holiday cookies 🙂  I’ll pick a winner on December 22, 2010.  It’s okay if you live near or far- I’ve sent cookies over to Brian in Afghanistan and he and his fellow soldiers reported that they were some of the best cookies they’ve had 🙂  I have a shipping method for freshness down pat 😉

As for the photo JP selected, it is Brian’s favorite 🙂 

I would love to have his favorite photo waiting for him when he returns home 🙂  Thank you for voting and I’ll be back this weekend- it’s my one year blogiversary tomorrow 🙂 🙂

Have a great Friday peeps!


Filed under giveaway

Peace Out Challenge, Giveaway Winner & Call For Guest Posts!

Hi peeps!  This post is going to be short and sweet, as I have a fantasy football draft (ohhh yeahhh) to get to!

  • I am heading camping this weekend 😀  I talked about it in my last post and I decided that the wardrobe challenge is not going to be in effect during the weekend.  Then I got to talking with my friend Kristin that is doing it with me and we decided that today would be the last day.  Sweet freedom thank goodness. It’s time.  Tuesday marks four weeks, so 28 days instead of 30, but it is time.  I have learned a lot about what I can do with my current wardrobe and how much accessories can update an outfit.  I’ll write a full recap post next week but I don’t want y’all to think I’m backing out.  Even though I guess I kind of am but yeah.  My ten pieces are getting worn out and gross, haha.  The outfits from this week have been uninspired- same ol’ same ol’, aside from this fun necklace I got in London (well, Bath but whatever) a few years back:

             So yeah, once I stopped feeling creative (about three weeks in) the challenge lost its luster.  Moving on-

  • Ever go running when you didn’t feel like it?  Of course you have.  Well, yesterday I was cursing the dang sport really didn’t feel like it.  It was 95 degrees and humid at 6:00 PM with an air advisory.  Perfect conditions.  Ugh.  I got three in solely because I was meeting up with my running buddy.  There may have been some swearing involved but in the end I was glad I got it done.  You never regret the runs you take, just those not completed… right?  Have you gone for a run when you absolutely didn’t feel like it?  If so, what did you get out of it?
  • September is going to be uber busy for me work-wise and life-wise.  Accordingly, if anyone would like to write a guest post for this here blog let me know!  I already have the fantab Nicki and Linzi (both training for marathons, both rock) working something up and I’m super excited 🙂  Send me an email if you are interested; I’d love to have you 🙂
  • I have a super fun organizing post in the works next week that I can’t wait to share, which was inspired by Boston Runner.  It has to do with my magazine obsession.  Oh yes. 
  • Oh, and the giveaway winner:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-09-03 21:26:28 UTC

Elizabethlacy!  She wrote:

I volunteer at our local humane society and they are always looking for people to donate Kuranda pet beds. They have several but not enough for all the animals. They work really well for the humane society because they’re easy to disinfect and very comfortable for the pets (disease prevention is a big deal at the humane society). These are the only pet beds they use.  Problem is they’re expensive ($56-176). I can’t afford to donate one on my own but I noticed that CSN sells these. If I won I’d pay the difference and donate a bed.

How awesome is that?  😀 Elizabeth, shoot me an email at FitToWed at gmail dot com and I’ll get your information over to CSN. 

Have a fantastic weekend friends!  See ya 😀


Filed under giveaway, Running, Wardrobe Challenge

CSN Stores Giveaway!

**This giveaway is now closed**

Hi friends!  I’m really excited to announce a fun giveaway with CSN Stores.  CSN stores offers just about anything you can imagine.  Perhaps you just moved into a new place and are looking for some Corelle dinnerware?  I love the look of this teapot:

It’s modern yet cozy at the same time.

Or maybe you want to get your fitness on with a Shape Magazine workout dvd?  A yoga mat?

You name it, CSN likely has it!

So, here’s the deal: CSN Stores is offering Legally Fit readers a one time use $35 gift certificate to use with abandon at any one of their 200 plus stores.  Here’s how to enter:

  • Head over to one of CSN’s websites and leave a comment letting me know what you’d select +1 entry
  • Follow me on twitter @LegallyFit (I like having twitter friends! 🙂 ) and leave a comment letting me know +1 entry
  • Add me to your google reader +1

I’ll randomly select a winner on Friday, September 3rd.  Woohoo! 😀


Filed under giveaway

Yoga Giveaway!

Hi friends! Happy end of weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there (Hi Mom!). I’ve had a great weekend; hot vinyasa yoga yesterday plus a three mile run that culminated in me BOOKING home after getting caught in a thunderstorm. I had coffee with one of my besties and got together with my grandmother and some family members that I haven’t seen for years for a Mother’s Day dinner. Good stuff.

A few months back I won a giveaway from the lovely Shannon over at the Daily Balance. I recently received the goodies and I got some great stuff! Thanks Shannon!! 🙂 Cashew butter (holy), teas, mission skincare items AND a one year subscription to Yoga Journal. Being the magazine addict that I am, I already have a subscription to yoga journal (and glamour, and shape, and fitness, and self, and health…). So, what better than to pass the subscription along to one of my readers?! Source

So, I’m going to give away a one year subscription to yoga journal PLUS a box of my new crack (also known as chocolate peppermint luna bars- to die for!). As a reader of yoga journal I can attest to its awesomeness. There are lots of informative articles that make you stop and think, explanations of poses and how they impact your body, healthy recipes… all sorts of goodness!
Are you a magazine addict like me? Or addicted to the deliciousness of luna bars? You can enter to win three ways:
  1. Leave a comment letting me know your favorite yoga pose
  2. If you aren’t into yoga, leave me a comment with your favorite way to get active
  3. Follow me on twitter @ fittowed and leave a comment letting me know!
  4. Tweet about the giveaway!

I’ll announce the winner next Tuesday, May 18. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and again, many thanks to Shannon for all of my fantastic goods!


Filed under giveaway, hot yoga, Luna bars, Yoga

I Think I Should Go Play the Lottery

Happy Friday friends! Blogger ate one of my saved posts (my race schedule- grrr!!). Ah well, I will rewrite and post it sometime this weekend. I have a lot of fun races in my future! I made it to the gym in the morning yesterday and got in a 3 mile speed workout- it was awesome! The funny thing about this waking up super early business is now my body is getting used to it! I woke up naturally this morning at 5:37. I contemplated going to the gym but today is typically my rest day. So I went back to sleep and had strange dreams. I would have been better off at the gym!

I’m thinking that I should go play the lottery today. Why, you ask? I won TWO awesome giveaways from two fantastic blogs! The beautiful Skinnyrunner (btw, you should totally check out her blog- she is super funny and wicked speedy) was hosting a giveaway on her blog to celebrate the amazingness of billion hits (or half a mil, who’s counting). I won a ten dollar gift certificate to chocomize chocolates! I am super excited because I think I may use the chocolate bars as wedding favors. The site looked so awesome that I ordered a chocolate bar before winning. I will be trying their dark chocolate/oreo/marshmallow combination. I emailed the company and they told me they could give me a sweet discount and customize the labels and whatnot. I am thinking of creating a his and her bar- half of the guests will get a chocolate bar “Katie style” and half will get one “Brian style.” I encourage you to check out their site! What chocolate creation would you purchase?

I also won the gorgeous Shannon’s Fashion Friday giveaway! Yay! That girl is one serious fashionista. I love her outfits! I am excited for the yoga subscription, nut butter and tea assortment. I am feeling pretty lucky today! Do you consider yourself to be lucky?

Does everyone have fun weekend plans? I am heading to lunch with my Matron of Honor to give her her gift for being in the bridal party- I can’t wait to give it to her! 🙂 Then I am meeting my little brother at a local wine bar to meet his new girlfriend. So cute. Tomorrow I heading to the Philly area for my bachelorette and bridal shower take two! Bri’s sister and mother are throwing me one so his side of the family can attend some festivities. How lucky am I? Annnd, I get to see Bri! He is driving up to see me since he couldn’t make it last weekend due to the weather. 🙂

Starting today I am implementing Photo Friday, where I post one of my favorite pics. My photographer recently posted this one on his blog. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Filed under giveaway, Photo Friday

Goals and Sigg Om Water Bottle Winner!

Good morning! I’m currently typing this as I ride the train back to Albany on Sunday evening (so pictureless post, sorry!). It was really sad to leave Bri today. We got to spend so much time together; it provided a nice little teaser as to what married life it going to be like- awesome! He is coming up to Albany in a few weeks so we can attend pre-cana, and then I’ll see him two weekends in February. After that, it’s wedding time and we won’t have to do distance any longer. I can’t wait. My heart hurts when I have to leave him.

Note to self when traveling on trains in the future: pack more snacks! I attempted to walk to the snack cart earlier, which is no fun when the train is wobbling all over the place. When I got to the cart, it was “temporarily” closed. Dang it! I eventually made my way back later and purchased two bottles of water and a cheese plate. That coupled with a honey wheat bagel and some dried mango slices doth not a balanced diet make. It’s easier when driving to pick up somewhat healthy snacks (nuts, bars, etc) but the train is so much more convenient. So, moral of the story is next train trip I am packing lots of healthy goods and a big bottle of water.

It’s Monday, which means I’m back to work after over a week off. I am excited to get back but January is going to be crazy! I am traveling around the state putting on three seminars by myself and two additional seminars with my other co-counsel. This means a lot of workouts on the road (I still have to train for the 14k!) and making healthy eating decisions on the road. Anyway, since it’s the beginning of January, I was thinking about things I’d like to accomplish this year. I don’t really “do” resolutions; I just want to think of ways to become a more well-rounded person.

Goals: Professional

1. Complete at least 50 hours of pro-bono work
a. This will not further my legal career in the field that I am in (municipal), but I think it is important for attorneys to volunteer their services to those who may not have representation otherwise. I was hesitant to do pro-bono work at first because my area of expertise doesn?t really lend itself to pro-bono cases. I was nervous that I would be in over my head handling Family Court cases and the like. However, the organization that I found provides you with clients that oftentimes just want an ear to listen to and a general overview of their legal rights. The clinics are twice monthly for approximately three hours a time, so I am hopeful that I will reach my goals.

2. Become a better small talker and more confident in social situations where I do not know anyone
a. In my job there are lots of networking events where we put in face time with our members. I am not an outgoing person by nature so when I first started (back in September 2008) I put on a brave front but was often very uncomfortable. I have gotten much better in approaching people and making conversation, but I still have room for improvement.

3. Improve my public speaking abilities
a. I put on a lot of presentations. I have seen tremendous improvements in my speaking abilities since starting my current job. My boss serves as an amazing motivator; I have never seen a more confident, engaging speaker. I would like to be at that level someday. Until then, I would like to continue making strides forward in feeling more comfortable in front of the podium.

Goals: Health and Fitness

1. Complete the Virginia is For Lovers 14k
a. I am really excited for this race. On the day of the race it will be a PDR for me. Not only that, it’s on Valentine’s day, which is the weekend Bri and I got engaged last year. It’s a couples race and all of the female finishers get roses at the end. I’m so excited!

2. Complete the Rock ‘n Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon
a. The half marathon is the ultimate distance for me. I really don’t think my body can handle a marathon; I love running but it is hard on the body and I already had hip issues before running came into the mix. If I could run a half I would be so happy!

3. Attend a yoga class at least once a week in a studio
a. I love doing yoga at home, for the convenience and cost-saving factor (yoga classes are pricey!) However, there is something to be said for going into a studio and getting taught by a knowledgeable instructor that can help your form. If I can’t attend a class because of travel, I have to at least practice yoga once a week on my own.

4. Run a 5k in under 30:00
a. I know I can do this! My last 5k was 30:37. I need to push myself harder to go faster and, of course, do some speedwork. I am confident that I will reach this goal this year!

5. Continue overall strength training at least once a week
a. Right now I’m mainly getting strength training in through pushups and my body sculpting class. I love my body sculpting class so much that I’ve incorporated it into my training schedule. I would like to maintain this at bare minimum, and hopefully incorporate more strength training into my life.

6. Complete at least 30 pushups in a row
a. When I first started engaging in healthy living seriously, I could not even do one regular pushup. It was a struggle for me to even do modified pushups with the proper form. I read about the 100 pushups workout and started it after I got through the shred. I have yet to get past week 4 (I’ve repeated it so many times) but I’m able to do 5 sets of pushups totaling around 70, and can do about 20 without stopping. I’d like to up that number to 30.

7. Incorporate more veggies into my life
a. I am NOT a veggie person. I tried brussel sprouts for the first time in a while the other day and nearly gagged. I need to find a way to make them more appealing and thus up my intake. I do love peas though. Yum! I’ve been putting peas in annie’s organic white cheddar shells and the kick it up a notch, both nutritionally and taste wise!

Goals: Personal

1. Cook a new dish at least once a month
a. Once I find something I like, I tend to stick with it. It can get pretty boring. So, forcing myself to cook something new at least once a month can get me out of my cooking rut!

2. Do more sweet things for Bri
a. Bri is such a great guy and I am a lucky girl. I want to do more sweet things for him to show my appreciation.

Goals: Financial

1. Save at least $10,000 to put towards an emergency fund.
a. In the personal finance world, your emergency fund should cover three to six months of expenses, with three being very conservative. As it stands, my fixed expenses (student loans, car, insurance, cell) total about $1,000 (gotta love those law school loans). I do have additional variable expenses, so that coupled with the fact that Bri and I are merging finances, I want to have a healthy cushion of at least $10,000.

Wow. I didn?t think I a lot of goals but this list is quite extensive. I am excited for 2010 and can’t wait to start making these goals reality!

Now for the fun part- the winner of the Sigg Om water bottle giveaway! I would like to thank everyone for entering. It means so much to me that you took the time to comment and read my blog. I wish I could give everyone a water bottle! The winner, per random, is:

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-01-04 13:07:35 UTC

Comment Number 15, which is Ashley over at Fashionably Fit! Congrats Ashley! Email me at and we’ll get the ball rolling on your new sigg water bottle!

Is your 2010 off to a good start?

1 Comment

Filed under giveaway, Goals

Sigg Om Bottle Giveaway!

Good morning lovelies! I have been alluding to a giveaway, and now it’s here! One reader (US or Canada, except for Saskatchewan) will win a Sigg Om water bottle! I just received one for Christmas and am in love with it. It is so fun, bright and cheery.

Why Sigg? Sigg water bottles are PVC and BPA free, so no harmful chemicals are potentially swimming in your water. The water bottle holds a ton of water, allowing you to easily meet your recommended 64 ounce daily requirement.

So, do you want to win one? You can enter four ways:

  1. Leave me a comment telling me which sigg bottle you would choose (you can see the options by clicking here)
  2. Add me to your blogroll
  3. Follow me!
  4. Link back to this post on your blog

Please leave a separate comment for each entry. I will announce the winner (via random integer drawing) on Monday, January 4th. Good luck!

*Please note that this giveaway is subject to availability. If the water bottles sell out before January 4th, you will still win an equally sweet (but different) Sigg water bottle.

Happy Wednesday!

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Filed under giveaway, sigg