Category Archives: Luna bars

Staying Healthy on the Road

Morning friends!  Thank you for all of your encouragement on my 2011 goals.  I am really really excited!  The next few weeks are going to be a wee bit loco for me- I’m heading to Syracuse for work (also known as the land of Tim Horton’s and Wegmans.  You bet I will be stopping at both places!) and then at some point I will be spending some time with Bri while he is on leave 😀  YESSSSSSS. 

Since I am busy traveling around the state, I figured it is a good time to discuss how we stay healthy while on the road!  If this topic looks familiar, it’s because it was also posted on Linzi’s blog (who JUST got engaged- head over and say congrats!  Yay Linzi!). 

Anyway, I travel quite a bit for work and before my (currently deployed) husband and I were married, I put 40,000 miles on my car in the course of a year and a half making the nine hour trip from New York to Virginia, where he was stationed.  I’ve definitely picked up some tips and tricks on how to stay healthy along the way!  When we are out of our daily routine, it is easy to throw healthy living aside.  However, a little bit of planning goes a long way.


If you’re like me, you have your workouts planned in advance- for instance, I’ll run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, attend yoga on Wednesday and Saturday and do whatever I feel like on Sunday.  If you’re traveling, this throws a bit of a wrench into the whole system.  Here are some things to consider:

  1. Does your hotel have a fitness facility?  If so, make use of it!  I’ve stayed in hotels where I’ve had to pay a daily rate to use the gym, and I paid it because I had to get a run in and wasn’t comfortable running around in an unfamiliar city (Louisville, which is a super cool city but the area surrounding the hotel was not runner-friendly).  Hopefully your hotel won’t charge you to use the gym.  I was recently in Boston and made use of the (free) facilities to get a speed workout in on the treadmill- there were way too many cars and people to get a run in outdoors!
  2. Don’t feel like working out indoors?  Ensure that the area surrounding the hotel is safe and get out and explore!  This past winter I was down in Garden City, a quaint village in Long Island.  I was training for my first 14k so I called my friend that lives in the area to get the scoop on the “runnability” of the place.  She told me the area was very runner friendly so I packed my cold gear and hit the pavement.  It was a really neat way to explore the village! 
  3. No fitness facility in the hotel? No problem!  If you find out that your hotel doesn’t have a gym, call concierge and ask them if there are any gyms in the area.  Most of them will likely offer a day pass!  Another no-fail solution is to bring the gym with you!  All you need is your laptop, a workout dvd or an internet connection.  I’ve been known pack 8 lb dumbbells to use with my 30 day shred dvd and to substitute a bathroom towel for a yoga mat to get a yoga workout in.  If you don’t have a laptop, work with what you have (that being your body weight!)  Pushups, planks, squats, lunges and core work are easy, effective ways to get some quick strength training in.
  4. Make sure you pack your exercise gear! This one is pretty self-explanatory 🙂


It is easy to fall out of our normal eating habits when we are in unfamiliar territory, be it staying in a hotel away from home or being cooped up in a car for hours at time.  Here are some tips that have helped me:

  1. Plan ahead.  I’ve made the nine hour drive to Virginia so many times that I had my snacks down to a science.  Make sure to pack enough snacks to keep you going throughout your travels!  You want food that will give you energy and keep you awake (besides coffee, although that comes in handy too).  My default healthy snacks for the car are luna bars, apples, granola bars, mixed nuts and lots of water!
  2. Drink lots of water.  It may seem counter-intuitive, but I drink a lot of water during my trips, even though it ensures I will probably have to make two bathroom stops.  I stay hydrated and if anything, it’s nice to get out and stretch my legs after sitting in the car for so long! 
  3. Go grocery shopping!.  If you are traveling for work, it is often a requirement that you eat out a restaurants, since you likely don’t have a kitchenette to cook in.  My advice- go to the local grocery store!  I’ve stocked up on peanut butter, apples, larabars, greek yogurt, granola, pre-chopped veggies and other no-cook items in order to ensure that I at least eat a healthy breakfast and snacks.  Oftentimes grocery stores will have pre-made meals and salad/dinner bars that will enable you to make healthier choices, which is helpful if you’ve been loading up on rich restaurant food.

Are there any tips or tricks that you have for staying healthy while traveling?  Have a good one friends, I’ll see you on Friday! 🙂


Filed under Luna bars

Yoga Giveaway!

Hi friends! Happy end of weekend and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there (Hi Mom!). I’ve had a great weekend; hot vinyasa yoga yesterday plus a three mile run that culminated in me BOOKING home after getting caught in a thunderstorm. I had coffee with one of my besties and got together with my grandmother and some family members that I haven’t seen for years for a Mother’s Day dinner. Good stuff.

A few months back I won a giveaway from the lovely Shannon over at the Daily Balance. I recently received the goodies and I got some great stuff! Thanks Shannon!! 🙂 Cashew butter (holy), teas, mission skincare items AND a one year subscription to Yoga Journal. Being the magazine addict that I am, I already have a subscription to yoga journal (and glamour, and shape, and fitness, and self, and health…). So, what better than to pass the subscription along to one of my readers?! Source

So, I’m going to give away a one year subscription to yoga journal PLUS a box of my new crack (also known as chocolate peppermint luna bars- to die for!). As a reader of yoga journal I can attest to its awesomeness. There are lots of informative articles that make you stop and think, explanations of poses and how they impact your body, healthy recipes… all sorts of goodness!
Are you a magazine addict like me? Or addicted to the deliciousness of luna bars? You can enter to win three ways:
  1. Leave a comment letting me know your favorite yoga pose
  2. If you aren’t into yoga, leave me a comment with your favorite way to get active
  3. Follow me on twitter @ fittowed and leave a comment letting me know!
  4. Tweet about the giveaway!

I’ll announce the winner next Tuesday, May 18. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and again, many thanks to Shannon for all of my fantastic goods!


Filed under giveaway, hot yoga, Luna bars, Yoga

Feelin’ Good

Hey y’all! Happy Wednesday… almost the weekend! Since I last posted I’ve had a great couple of days and workouts. Friday evening I hit up a new Italian restaurant with my bro, his gf and the ‘rents. Bri was sorely missed but when he gets leave this December I plan on taking him 🙂 I tried an amazing eggplant rolotini (?) appetizer. I definitely have a new favorite go to dish!

Saturday was my second ever hot vinyasa yoga class. SO awesome and challenging. I can easily see how the heat becomes addicting. I feel so much more limber and can sink deeper into the poses. Speaking of yoga, I’m participating in Tina’s Yoga Pose May yoga challenge so I’m excited about that! Be on the lookout for a pose come May 18th 😉

Monday brought an amazing six mile run. I headed to a local park after work and just ran. The weather was SO beautiful- low seventies/upper sixties with just the right touch of wind. Six miles is the farthest I’ve gone since the 14k back in February! It was markedly different from the 5 miler I did the week before in VB. I’m telling ya, I’m not a hot weather runner! Give me the cold any day. What temp would you rather run in- hot or cold?

Last night I attended hot yoga again. It was different than vinyasa in that there was a lot of Bikram elements, which I’ve never done. The room was also heated to 105 instead of 95. I was sweating SO much before we even began. I don’t mind though, because my skin has seriously NEVER looked better.

My poor pup has something going on behind his ear so I made an appointment to take him to the vet. Poor lil‘ guy. Here he is (on the right) with his best friend Molly:

Hopefully it’s nothing but I’m still worried!
On Sunday I met with my Ragnar team and got the overview of the legs I am running:
  • Leg 4- 2.7 miles. Extremely hilly. Awesome.
  • Leg 16- 5.8 miles. Fairly flat.
  • Leg 28- 3.1 miles. Easy day.

The only one I’m concerned about is the first leg. I’m glad it’s the first leg though, since I’ll likely have the most energy for that one. I’m starting to get really nervous!

I have been thinking a lot lately about blogging. I have a lot of ideas for future posts, including:

  • My bucket list (via Wendy)
  • A ten year review (again, via Wendy 🙂 )
  • Eating well while on the road/driving looooong distances
  • Bri’s guest post on fitness
  • A fun topic inspired by Runner’s World
  • My ten basic essentials for a professional wardrobe

I have some other ideas floating around too. As you can see, they’re all random. I don’t consider myself to be “fitness” blogger, I’m definitely not a food blogger (although I love reading those blogs!)… I don’t really know what I am. I’m just trying to live healthfully and interact with like-minded persons! What kind of blogger do you consider yourself to be? What steered you in that direction?

In any event, it’s time to get back to bidness. I hope you’re having a great week! See you tomorrow with a new thumbs up thursday post!

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Filed under Bailey, I'm random, Luna bars, Ragnar, Running, Yoga