Category Archives: Guest Posting

Enjoy the Journey

Hi friends!  I’m currently enjoying some quality time with my husband 😀  I’ll be back soon, but in the meantime please enjoy this inspiring post from one of my favorite real-life blends, Heather of Then Heather Said.

For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin – real life.
But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.
At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness.
Happiness is the way.
So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
– Alfred D. Souza

I recently read this quote, which hangs by decorative magnets on my refrigerator.  I have read it dozens of times prior, agreeing silently to myself every time.  This time, however, I read the quote before settling in my living room with my appointment book and journal, ready to tackle the New Year head on.  I have already declared 2011 my healthiest year yet, and I’m determined to stay on top of my goals and plans in order to make sure this is the case.  When I started looking over my schedule of work outs, meal plans, and lists of ‘what to accomplish’ and ‘what to avoid,’ Souza’s quote on the Happiness Journey wouldn’t escape my mind.

Happiness does not come only from reaching my goal weight, but in each step taken to get there.  It comes from my learning how to balance nutrition and indulgence, and with each healthy decision I choose to make. Each minute logged of cardio, each pound of weight I lift, each ounce of soda I replace with an ounce of water. Happiness comes from the week to week battle, the joy of the one pound loss, or the motivation and determination to continue when the scale doesn’t show a loss at all.

Happiness does not come only from the finish line, but in each mile leading to it.  It comes from each training run, no matter how fast or slow.  It comes from those afternoons of speed work, and early mornings filled with tempo runs.  It comes from the time you take to stretch, and cross train, and condition, and rest.  It comes from properly fueling and learning what works best for your body.  It comes from recovery, and survival, and getting it done.

Often, as women setting goals for our health, nutrition, and fitness, we look so far into the future we forget to enjoy the process.  When we take time to enjoy the journey, each step of progression and every moment of development, we open ourselves up to the possibility of deepening our experience with our own determination and success.  Happiness IS the journey.


Filed under Goals, Guest Posting, Then Heather Said

How Do You Wear Winter Boots?

Hi Legally Fit readers…I’m Cynthia from It All Changes.

Katie is enjoying her time with Brian while he’s on leave and asked me to guest post.  My dad is a former military man so I was happy to oblige so she could enjoy ever second!

It’s a bit chilly here in Western Massachusetts and everyone has donned their winter boots.  Boots in all sorts of styles were seen on celebrities, fashion runways, magazines and in the mall lately.  However normally they aren’t talking about boots that actually keep your feet warm.

They are cute but when I look out my window and see the snow my feet instantly start to freeze.

When you live in a snow zone – right now that means the usually sunny south as well – you need a good pair of winter boots.  However warm boots does not need to equal ugly boots.  You can rock your winter boots and not have to change in and out of them 10 times a day.
To start, you need the right boot.  This is different for everyone.  Some people love Uggs and others love Cole Haan

To pick your right boot, they need to be:

-In your price range.  I love Cole Haan but I also love food.  $300 of food goes a lot further than a pair of boots.

-Versatile.  Pink is a fabulous color (note my coat), but does not match most of my wardrobe.  Opt for a pair that you can wear with what you already own.

-WARM!  You are looking for winter boots after all.  Cute doesn’t mean squat if you feet are frozen the second you step outside.

From there you can get creative.  These are the boots I purchased 2 years ago at the end of the season – Discount! – and wear almost daily.

They are perfect! 

For work:  If you run in and out of the snow for errands, meetings, etc. your boots are great to wear under your pants or with a nice skirt.  I wear a uniform to work – I’m a Salvation Army Pastor – so mine had to be black.  They are comfortable enough to wear inside and out.

For fun: With skirts or dresses, throw on a funky pair of tights with your boots and go. 

With a quick change of tights you can change an entire outfit.  The boots and tights are what most people see peeking out from under your winter coat.
In the bitter cold running tights can do double duty under dresses.  Throw them on with warm wool socks and your boots and no one is the wiser…I think.

With pants you have two options.  Skinny pants or jeans fit inside your boots just like tights and your are ready for the day.

With wide leg pants, just the toe of your boot peaks out.  If this is your preferred method make sure you like the toe shape because that is all you’ll see.
Even when you purchase your rocking new winter boots don’t throw out your traditional winter boots.  They are perfect for getting in a great workout in the snow.  Hike, snowshoe or snow ball fight.  And somebody has to shovel the sidewalk!
Just remember keeping your feet warm in the winter doesn’t have to sacrifice your style.  In the immortal words of my style guru, Tim Gunn, “Make it work.”

What is your favorite way to wear your winter boots?


Filed under Guest Posting

Looking for a New Recipe??

Hey everyone! My name is Courtney and I blog over at Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life.

When the lovely Katie asked if I would be interested in guest posting for her while she’s off spending some very quality time with her hubby, I was stoked! However, since she left the guest post options very open-ended, that left me a little bit perplexed…

I need boundaries! Limits! SOMETHING!

Well, after speaking with Katie again, I decided that I’d like to share one of my favorite things about my blog with you all…recipes!

With the new year upon us, perhaps you’ve decided that you’re going to start cooking more? Maybe try to entertain with friends or family? Either way, I’ve got you covered!

**If you’re planning a Brunch with Company, try:

**If you’re headed to a Potluck Get-Together, try:

**If you’re need to entertain with a quick, easy Dinner Recipe, try:

**If you feel like firing up your Slow Cooker, try:

**If you’re looking for a quick, simple way to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, try:

**If you’re in the mood for some Cookies or Cupcakes, try:

Hopefully now you’ve got some ideas, so what are you waiting for…? Get into that kitchen! 😀


Filed under Guest Posting, Sweet tooth Court

Stuck in a Meal Rut?

Hi friends!  I’m currently spending some long overdue quality time with my husband.  😀  One of my fave blends, Emily, graciously agreed to write a guest post on a topic I’m sure we can all relate to- getting out of a meal rut! 

Hi everyone! My name is Emily and I blog at finding a new life through food.

January is usually a month filled with resolutions for people to become healthier and exercise more.  Since it is still early, you can still jump on bandwagon to a healthier 2011.  One of the most difficult things with healthy eating is getting out of a “meal rut.”

I define meal rut as eating the same foods over and over.  This for me usually leads me to make unhealthy decisions when I want to break out of it and eat something I think is more exciting.  Unfortunately, those unhealthy decisions can pack on the pounds!

Here are a few ways to keep yourself out of the meal rut in 2011 and still keep your tastebuds excited 🙂

1. Plan Ahead!!!

I cannot emphasis how important this is in order to stay out of a meal rut.  Find a day of the week that is the best for you to plan your meals. I’m lucky, and mine happens to land on Sunday.  Look at your week, and figure out what you’re going to be doing on what days.  Are you working late one day? Do you have a little extra time at home one night?  Are you planning on meeting some friends for drinks one night?  Take all of these into account and plan your meals accordingly!

2. Go Grocery Shopping for Specific Meals.

After you figure out your meals, make sure you go grocery shopping for any ingredients you might not have.  Unless its fresh produce for a meal later in the week, I try to make sure I have everything ahead of time.  Nothing is worse than reading a recipe when you’re just about to cook it and realizing that you don’t have one of the ingredients.  You can almost guarantee that it will turn into a take-out night 😉

3. Stews and soups are your best friends.

If you have time on the weekend, make a big pot of stew or soup! They freeze wonderfully, and are an amazing way to have a healthy meal in a pinch. Pick up a whole grain bread on the way home to dip in your stew or soup.  Another great way to make a stew or soup is use a crock pot.  You can come home to a warm and delicious meal without having to do more than ladle it into a bowl.

4. Look through cookbooks for inspiration.

If your like me, I’m sure you have a plethora of cookbooks scattered throughout the house.  I tend to use the same recipes over and over, and often the other 75% of a cookbook never ends up being used by me.  Sometimes trying something new often leads to a new favorite flavor or new favorite recipe to cook.  So wipe the dust off those old cookbooks and take a peek through them!

5. Indulge every so often.

Nothing is always going to go according to plan.  Some nights you’re just not going to want to cook, and that’s okay! If you’ve cooked every other night of the week and decide on a Friday to do a little take-out, let yourself.  Hindering all of your cravings is one of the worst things to do, and often will eventually lead to a binge out session and another meal rut.

Do you ever find yourself in a meal rut? What do you do to get out of it? What are ways you avoid meal ruts?


Filed under Emmalina Violet, Guest Posting

Miscellany 2

Hi guys!   How y’all been?  I’ve been fairly busy with work and lots and lots of hot yogaaaaa.  I am well on my way towards hitting my goal of 4x a week.  I even woke up at 5:40 A.M (!!!) this past Tuesday to take a class at 6:30.  It was awesome!  I had a cold, rainy three miler with Melissa on that evening (her marathon is in THREE DAYS holla) and I wasn’t even tired.  I did, however, pass out at 9 P.M.  Early riser=early to bed fo sho 😉

Yesterday I conquered another one of my goals:  image

I made tofu (recipe forthcoming), with the help of a secret ingredient: image

Okay, maybe not so secret but it is dang good!  While in Philly this weekend I will be hitting up Trader Joe’s to replenish all of the goodies I picked up last month during the blogger grocery shopping bonanza.  Yes! 😀 

I have some guest posts going around in the blog world- our wedding is featured on Brides Up North– check out the site!  Julia has really outdone herself in her new venture.   I also wrote about staying healthy while traveling over on Linzi’s blogHow do you stay healthy on the road?

Other exciting stuff- I get to see my husband in less than two months, for fifteen glorious days!  😀 😀 😀 So excited!  Hopefully the holidays will fly by! 🙂 

If you’re going to be in Philly this weekend for the marathon, let me know!  Maybe we can meet up 😀

Check ya later!


Filed under Early Riser, Guest Posting, hot yoga, I'm random

Wedding Photos

Hi friends!  Thanks so much for all of your comments on my last post 😀  I’m currently working on my half-marathon goals and will have them up within the next day or so.  For now, you can head over to my friend Julia’s blog to see a mini recap of our wedding in photos.  Stop by and say hello!  She is automatically cool because she is British, AND she is getting married soon.  Woohoo!  Let me know what you think of the wedding photos. 🙂  See you tomorrow with a running post!  Have a great Tuesday evening!


Filed under Guest Posting, Wedding

More Than…

Hi friends!  I am really excited to be a part of the lovely Heather’s “More Than” series 🙂  Check out my guest post and let me know what you think!  I’ll be back tomorrow with a new running post from one of my favorite running bloggers.  Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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Filed under Guest Posting