Wedding Photos

Hi friends!  Thanks so much for all of your comments on my last post 😀  I’m currently working on my half-marathon goals and will have them up within the next day or so.  For now, you can head over to my friend Julia’s blog to see a mini recap of our wedding in photos.  Stop by and say hello!  She is automatically cool because she is British, AND she is getting married soon.  Woohoo!  Let me know what you think of the wedding photos. 🙂  See you tomorrow with a running post!  Have a great Tuesday evening!


Filed under Guest Posting, Wedding

16 responses to “Wedding Photos

  1. Beautiful photos!! I love the style and feel of them, so unique!

  2. They are truly AMAZING! Just like you ♥

  3. Pam

    Those photos are simply amazing! Everything was beautiful! The venue, the dress, the BLUE SHOES, the bride…:)

  4. <3, <3, ❤ PICTURES AND YOUR ARE AMAZING! And I love the blue shoes!

  5. I am so happy to be described as “automatically cool” ! ha ha! Thanks so much for your guest post.

    J x

  6. Your photos are great…I love seeing how different photographers capture the day!

  7. J

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your wedding photos. I have been on the man hunt for a good photographer and I just can’t make a decision! I really hope I find someone who will take pictures like yours!

  8. I love love love your photos! You look stunning. And the blue shoes… sigh. And I love the color you chose for your bridesmaids!

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